Thursday, February 10, 2011

Review for Voices Out of Stone

Here's a review of one of my latest books, Voices Out of Stone by author and spiritual life coach, Cynthia Sue Larson.

Connecting to Spirit & Earth through Carnac Standing Stones

Voices Out of Stone is my favorite kind of travel guide, as it shares both personal experiences and a fascinating history of ancient mysterious sacred sites. The standing stones of Carnac are the central focus of this book, and they are written about intimately by author Carolyn North and with an overview as to global significance by Natasha Hoffman.

Readers who enjoy books by Hamish Miller such as The Sun and the Serpent will love Voices Out of Stone for the way it invites us to open all our senses and more fully experience the deepest levels of meaning of the mystic standing stones of Brittany. I love the sketches and descriptions of various stone alignments, dolmens and menhirs in this book, and am particularly delighted by tales of visiting some sites at times when they could be enjoyed in solitude... or with a traveling companion equally devoted to listening to hidden wisdom of the stones.

Voices Out of Stone truly shines when describing how Carolyn North became something of a reluctant yet highly sought after healer during her visit to Carnac, and the ways these and other sacred stones transformed Carolyn's view of health, personal growth, and transformation. Reading this book graces me with something akin to the quiet, poetic beauty of the sacred sites themselves. I felt sad coming to the last pages and the realization that my journey to Carnac was coming to an end... for like a vacation to Carnac, Voices Out of Stone transports me to magical realms.

I highly recommend Voices Out of Stone to all who love connecting to nature and Earth, to anyone intrigued by ancient sacred sites, and to those interested in planning a trip to Brittany, France.

-Cynthia Sue Larson

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